Chimehuín River
Enjoy these mythical and legendary trout waters, icon of Patagonia Argentina fly fishing, hiring a world class fly fishing guide service.
Due to its world renowned “mouth”, the Chimehuín River became into one of the most iconic rivers in the entire Patagonia Argentina region. Along the years it has captivated foreigners and locals anglers with its huge trouts, generating a crazy fanatism among visitors, which Joe Brooks called the “Boca Fever” (Mouth Fever).
The Chimehuin River, also known as “Chime“, begins its course as an effluent of the Huechulafquen Lake and it flows for approximately 50 km, pouring its waters into the Collon Cura River.
Throughout the Chime, you will find perfect conditions for fly fishing. Willow upholstered riverside banks, productive riffles, cliffs and deep pools, with what is probably the largest population of Brown Trout and Rainbow Trout in the whole Northern Patagonia Argentina region.
Our Patagonia Argentina fly fishing travel service provides daily early season float trips, a two-day float trip with riverside camp and daily Wading Trips. Despite your choice you will enjoy superb fishing in this mythical river.